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 Tape Hair Extensions

Why should I use Tape Hair Extensions? I love tape-in hair extensions. They look amazing - so natural and full - and are so much more straightforward than other hair extension methods. Although I offer other hair extension types, I always feel like I get the best results and the happiest clients when I’ve fitted tape-in hair extensions.


Here are my top 5 reasons for choosing tape hair extensions:


1. Affordable Hair Extensions:There are two costs to consider when you have hair extensions; the initial outlay for fitting the extensions themselves, and the ongoing maintenance. I think tape-in hair extensions are a winner on both fronts! Because they’re so fast to apply, you save a fortune in application. It typically takes an hour to apply tape in hair extensions, so you’re only paying for an hour of someone’s time on top of the cost of the extensions themselves. Maintenance costs are also much lower than other semi-permanent methods. That’s because of the way they’re applied and the structure of the tape wefts. Overall, the cost of tape extensions for hair and application are MUCH lower overall compared to any other hair extension method.Why are the maintenance costs lower? What don’t you need to do with tape-in extensions that you do need to do with other types?


2. Tape Hair Extensions are low maintenance: So many of my clients tell me they forget they’re wearing tape-in extensions because they’re so easy to maintain. They don’t shed, mat, tangle and are also reusable. You’ll look great for longer with less effort. What’s not to like? But do be wary: if you buy cheap, you’ll end up paying twice as much! Because the tape-in extensions are worn daily, those made with remy low-quality hair just don’t last – you’ll end up spending more money in the long run, on more maintenance and more frequent replacements. Invest in a higher quality tape extension brand like Beauty Works, and you’ll save money and time.


3. Tape-In Hair Extensions DONT Damage your Hair: Hair extensions should be comfortable and damage-free; discomfort and hair loss aren’t something you should “just put up with”! Tape-in extensions are the least damaging on the market; they’re lightweight and don’t pull on your natural hair in the way some other extensions do. They also grow out with your own hair and are very easy to remove. 


4. Reusable Hair Extensions: Good quality tape-in extensions are a great investment – with proper care you can re-use them for up to a year. In contrast, individual extensions are not reusable and clip extensions tend to get worn out within a matter of 6 months (depending on your wear and use). I use the top-quality Jen Atkin range from Beauty Works which lasts for 3-4 applications. Cheaper hair extensions can’t be used time and again, and need more frequent maintenance appointments – that’s more cost and hassle for you!

Tape-in hair extensions can be removed quickly in just 15 minutes, using nothing more than a gentle solvent. There’s no hair-pulling or hair loss for you to worry about! Once removed, I clean the hair, add new tape, and then re-apply them, ready for you to look fabulous again!


5. Flexible and Comfortable Hair Extensions: There are so many things you can do with tape extensions that you just can’t do with clips. You can wear them in any type of hairstyle: braids, super high ponytails, top-knots, and that’s because they’re so thin and invisible! Tape-in extensions are so flexible in your hair too – brush them, wash them – you won’t be able to feel them. Unlike individual hair extensions which can feel a bit stringy and tangly, they’re so much more flexible and easier to dry and care for. You can wash and blow dry your tape-in hair extensions as you would your own hair – with plenty of care, but no fear! 

Tape-in Hair Extensions Are the Easy Choice- Easy to apply, easy to maintain, easy to love. I happily recommend tape-in hair extensions to all my clients. And because they’re so comfortable and look gorgeous, all my clients love them too! If you’re new to hair extensions or want to switch from clips or individual extensions, just give me a call to arrange your free consultation.

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